TractoberFest Has Arrived and We're Brewing Up Some Great Deals For You!

$0 Down
0% A.P.R. financing for up to 84 months
90 days NO PAYMENTS - $0 DOWN
Now $0 down, 0% A.P.R. for 84 months + save up to $1200 + 90 days no payments
Kubota BX2680, B2301, B2601, B2650, B3350, L3301, L3901 in-stock units only
SVL: 0% - 5 YEARS - $0 DOWN
$0 Down, 0% A.P.R. financing for up to 60 months on new in stock units: click here
Stay Out of the Elements - HEAT & AC
0% A.P.R. fixed rate for 84 Months with 0% Down on this Cab tractor with AC....
$700 Orange Plus Discount with purchase of 2 Qualifying Implements
90 days no payments
Sectional Plows Have Arrived
Call us to get pre-season prices on all in-stock Arctic Sectional Plows through October 31st:
CD6.5 - $6000 / CD8.5 - $6065 (all with skid steer mount)
LD8 - $7,870 / LD10.5 - $8,455 / LD13 - $9,050 (all with skid steer mount)
HD14 - $11,450 / HD17 -$12,360 (no mount included)
Need something short term? WE RENT!
Want to rent late model low hour equipment? Pillar Equipment has the inventory, at the right pricing! Call Ken or Jason at 309-751-4661 to lineup your rental needs. AND, if you want to buy at the end of a long term rental, we can apply your rent to the purchase!!
Click on our RENTAL PAGE for details