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Kubota Parts - Lubricants

Hydraulic Oil


Kubota Super UDT2 Universal Trans-Hydraulic Fluid Information

kubota 2016 super udt gallon jugKubota Super UDT2 is a multi-purpose all-weather hydraulic fluid.This product is specifically recommended for use in the Kubota hydraulic, final drive, transmission, differential, and wet brake systems.

  • Kubota® Super UDT2 provides the following benefits to Kubota equipment:
  • Kubota Super UDT2 Universal Trans-Hydraulic Fluid
  • Improved transmission performance and protection at high and low operating temperatures
  • Unique friction characteristics on wet clutches enables smoother start off, drive control, and PTO connection
  • Fully interchangeable with standard UDT and Super UDT fluids
  • Superior corrosion resistance and efficient filterability protects transmission and hydraulic systems
  • Improved transmission efficiency through reduction in power loss
  • Meets Kubota’s stringent specifications

For reliable, long lasting performance of your Kubota equipment, choose Kubota Genuine Products.

Typical PropertiesSuper UDT2 Fluid
Gravity, degree API    34.5
 Viscosity @ -40º C, cP   16000
 Viscosity @ 100º C, cSt  8.1
 Viscosity @ 40º C, cSt  37
 Viscosity Index  199
 Pour Point, ºC max  -42
 Zinc, % wt.  0.1122
Product CodesContainer Sizes Available
 70000-40200  12/1 Quart
 70000-40201  4/1 Gallon
 70000-40202  2/2.5 Gallon
 70000-40205  5 Gallon Pail
 70000-40255  55 Gallon Drum
 70000-40233  325 Gallon Tote

Kubota UDT Fluid

Kubota UDT Fluid is a multi-purpose, all-weather tractor hydraulic fluid specifically recommended for the Kubota hydraulic, final drive, transmission, differential and wet brake systems of tractors. This product offers the following benefits to Kubota equipment:

  • Improves efficiency in synchro- and glide shift transmissions
  • Fully interchangeable with Super UDT2 fluids
  • Provides high performance protection even at high operating temperatures
  • Meets Kubota's stringent specifications
Product CodesContainer Sizes Available
70000-20000 12/1 Quart
70000-20001 4/1 Gallon
70000-20002 2/2.5 Gallon
70000-20005 5 Gallon Pail
70000-20055 55 Gallon Drum
70000-20033 325 Gallon Tote

Kubota Excavator Hydraulic Oils

Kubota Excavator Hydraulic Oils are uniquely formulated and designed to meet the stressful requirements of Kubota’s Excavators. This product offers the following benefits to Kubota equipment:

  • The high viscosity provides consistent performance throughout the entire system, where temperatures may vary widely
  • Superior corrosion resistance keeps machine parts clean and free of corrosion
  • Excellent anti-foaming properties guard against cavitation of pumps and loss of hydraulic pressure
  • Better oxidation resistance fights sludge and prolongs the fluid’s useful life
  • Compatible with other hydraulic oils brands, so there is no need to change the entire system to start using the Kubota’s Hydraulic Oil
  • Provides high performance protection for your excavators
  • Meets Kubota's stringent specifications
Product CodesContainer Sizes Available
70000-68720 5 Gallon Pail of ISO VG32
70000-68740 55 Gallon Drum of ISO VG32
70000-68760 5 Gallon Pail of ISO VG46
70000-68780 55 Gallon Drum of ISO VG46


Engine Oil


kubota 2016 15w40 qtKubota Heavy Duty Engine Oils are engineered to meet the most demanding lubrication requirements of today's naturally aspirated, turbocharged and supercharged diesel fueled engines, including engines with cooled exhaust gas re-circulation (EGR). They are formulated with advanced additive technology, ( including foam control and soot dispersancy additives.) The engine oils provide and premium quality base stocks to protect engines against undesirable deposits, corrosion, deposits, oxidation, wear, and viscosity and thermal breakdown under severe service conditions. They meet the highest API (American Petroleum Institute) Service Categories for modern low emission diesel engines. These oils can also be used in transmission, hydraulic systems and other industrial applications where the manufacturer recommends the use of an engine oil.


Typical Properties

Gravity, degree API 29.5 31.1 29.7
Viscosity @ 40 C, cSt 117 80 86.89
Viscosity @ 100 C, cSt 15.2 11.9 11
Viscosity Index 135 143 113
CCS Viscosity @ -25 C, cP - - - - 6600 - - - -
CCS Viscosity @ -20 C, cP 6600 - - - - - - - -
HTHS Viscosity, cP 4.2 3.5 3.7
Borderline Pumping Viscosity Pass Pass - - - -
Pour Point, deg. C -27 -33 -24
Total Base Number (D-2896) 9 10 7
Sulfated Ash, % 1 1 0.8
Zinc, wt % 0.13 0.13 0.13



API CJ-4/CI-4/CI-4 Plus/CH-4/ X X  
API CF-2/CF     X
CUMMINS (CES 20081)   X##  


*Meets requirements
#Meets proposed Caterpillar ECF-1Specification Requirements ##Meets the engine performance requirements of CES 20078

Product Codes and Container Sizes Available

12/1 Quart 70000-10000 70000-10200 70000-10100
4/1 Gallon 70000-10001 70000-10201 70000-10101
2/2.5 Gallon 70000-10002 70000-10202 Not Available
5 Gallon Pail 70000-10005 70000-10205 Not Available
55 Gallon Drum 70000-10055 70000-10255 70000-10155
325 Gallon Tote 70000-10033 70000-10233 Not Available


Gear Oil


Kubota Gear Oil

Kubota Gear Oils are superior sulfur-phosphorus, extreme pressure gear lubricants formulated with premium quality base stocks to meet the demands for excellent performance. They are designed to provide excellent load carrying capacity, extreme pressure properties, anti-foam performance, demulsibility, corrosion protection, thermal stability protection and service fill limited slip capability. These products are recommended for conventional rear axles, limited slip rear axles and transmissions requiring EP gear lubes under high speed, high load, high torque, and high horsepower conditions. Kubota Gear Oils meet or exceed: Ford M2C108C; Mack GO-H, GO-H, & GO-J; Mil-L-2105E; API Services GL-5, GL-4.

Typical Properties

SAE 80W-90SAE 85W-140 
Vis @ 100 C (cSt) 14.5 26.7
Vis @ 40 C (cSt) 141 361
Viscosity Index 98 99
Spec Gravity @ 60F 0.9 0.904
Density (lbs/gal) 7.49 7.53
Brookfield Vis., Cp 117,000(-26C) 100,000(-15C)
Pour Point, C -27 -15



 SAE 80W-90SAE 85W-140
MIL-L-2105E X X


Product Codes and Container Sizes Available (SAE 80W-90)

12/1 Quart 70000-10500
2/2.5 Gallon 70000-10502


Kubota Excavator Gear Oil 90

Kubota Excavator Gear Oil is formulated and designed to meet the stressful requirements of Kubota’s Excavators. It was developed and approved by Kubota Japan R&D. Its high viscosity index allows use in a wide range of temperatures. The low pour point allows for low temperature operation, while the high flash point ensures operator safety. The Excavator Gear Oil has superior anti-foam, anti-corrosion, and good anti­oxidant performance.

Typical Properties
Viscosity @ 40° C 199.5 mm2/s
Viscosity @ 100° C 18.01 mm2/s
Viscosity Index 99
Pour Point -24 C
Flash Point 254 C
Foaming Seq.I 0.0 ml
Foaming Seq.II 0.0 ml
Copper Corrosion 1a
Product Codes and Container Sizes Available
Excavator Gear Oil 90/1 Qt. 70000-68700




kubota polyurea greaseKubota Synthetic Extreme Duty Grease

Designed for use in agricultural, automotive, construction, industrial and recreational applications.

Synthetic Food Grade NLGI 2, GCLB rated, extreme pressure grease with PTFE micro powders.

  • Corrosion protection – impervious to salt water
  • Lasts three times to four times longer than petroleum-based products
  • Will not run or drip
  • Does not evaporate
  • Compatible with most other greases
  • NSF Registered (H-1 Safe for incidental food contact) meets 1998 USDA Guidelines – approved for use in a federally inspected beef or poultry processing facility
  • Non-toxic, clean, non-staining
  • Operating temperature range -45°F to +450°F



  • Areas where a synthetic, non-toxic or food grade grease is required or desired
  • Food processing equipment
  • Near livestock, i.e. gates, hinges, etc.
  • Equipment used in lawn care and agriculture applications near sensitive vegetation (non-toxic)


Product Codes and Container Sizes Available
77700-06321 14 oz.
77700-06322 30 lb. Pail


Kubota Polyurea Multi-Purpose Grease

Designed for use in agricultural, automotive, construction, industrial and recreational applications.

Premium Polyurea thickened, NLGI 2, GC-LB rated extreme pressure grease.

  • Superior rust and corrosion protection
  • Excellent resistance to water wash out
  • Compatible with most other greases (shear stable)
  • Outstanding high temperature stability for long service life
  • Operating temperature range -15°F to +380°F



  • Wet environments
  • Extreme pressure applications
  • General purpose grease
  • Electric motors


Product Codes and Container Sizes Available
70000-10701 14 oz.
70000-10735 35 lb. Pail
70000-03523 3 oz. (Pack of 2)


Kubota Moly-Lithium All-Purpose Heavy Duty Grease

Designed for use in agricultural, automotive, construction and industrial applications.

Specially formulated lithium complex with 3 percent molybdenum disulfide/graphite NLGI 2, GC-LB rated extreme pressure grease.

  • Will not plate out forming an adhering film on metallic surfaces reducing the coefficient of friction
  • Molybdenum disulfide/graphite will act as a dry lubricant when necessary
  • Cost effective
  • Excellent high temperature protection – operating range 0°F to +350°F



  • Metal to metal applications
  • Fifth wheel grease
  • Heavy duty construction and off-road equipment (mining)
  • Excellent for bucket and king pins


Product Codes and Container Sizes Available
70000-10401 14 oz.